I believe this is a sowbug,

one of the night-crawling culprits who (together with the slugs) are making my rhubarb look like this:

I have been on slug patrol the past few nights and found so many slugs I lost count. Most are babies. I have been putting out slug brew for them (served in plastic party cups) and had quite a few takers, but will need to go slug-picking more often to keep them under control.
Meanwhile, I discovered several conglomerations of spiders, which I think are baby Garden Spiders. I would like them better if they ate slugs...

More potato experiments this year. I'm trying them in a burlap bag

as well as car tires again, and some in the earth as well. Meanwhile, the artichoke I planted last year survived the winter and looks like it will offer me something nice to eat this spring...

I love this blog! What a lot of time and love has been invested in this gallery and journal built on personal experience.