Oca is flourishing in pots. I'll transplant it later in the season when it's ready to set tubers.

I rigged a temporary greenhouse for the tomatoes

which include: Auriga, Bearo Plum, Black Krim, Black Zebra, Flamme, Japanese Black Trifele, Juliet Roma, Persimmon, Red Cherry, San Marzano, Speckled Roman.
Meanwhile, mint is flourishing in its pot.

Strawberries in various locations, including pots.

In another pot, a big one, I have a fig tree coming to life.

I hope to win the battle of the slugs, who are enjoying my peas.

Egyptian walking onions getting themselves in a knot, nearly ready to walk.

Some unwelcome wildlife I came upon while taking tent caterpillars out of my apple tree: Vespa maculata. Despite their excellent value in insect control (they prefer to feed on live prey) I'm told they're one of the most aggressive species and therefore not the sort of thing I want at nose level in my tree. Their nests are said to be large and impressive; this one is only the size of an apple at the moment, and rather beautiful.

More welcome visitors include bees of various shapes and sizes.

Bad news for the Blue Orchard Mason bees though. Turns out their new condo wasn't watertight and what with the wind, the rain, the fluctuations in temperature, some of the babes are going mouldy.

Rising damp evident in the basement floor.

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